New Harvest Ministries
Offices in Delta and Paonia, Colorado
Help and Hope to Transform Lives
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New Harvest Ministries is a 501(c)(3) Christian organization offering clinically-informed, faith-based help to individuals, couples and families to give assistance to those who are hurting, stuck, or lost due to difficult life circumstances, trauma, or relationship issues. We want to help you learn to thrive in your personal development and experience transformation through enhanced relationships with God and with those you love.

About Us:
We (Chris and Kim) each received a Masters of Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Colorado Christian University in 2019. We have been married for over 38 years, have six adult children and 14 grandchildren. Chris graduated from the University of Colorado in 1982 with a degree in Environmental Design, and Kim graduated from Friends University, Wichita, KS, in 1984 with a degree in Music Education. Chris is a Paonia native and Kim was raised in Kansas, and we have lived in the North Fork Valley of Delta County all of our married life. We did Internship at the Center for Mental Health in Delta from 2018-2019 then worked at Integrated Insight Therapy in Delta from 2019-2020.
We operate soley as a ministry to help people in difficult circumstances. We have suggested fees for our services and rely on those fees along with contributions from ministry partners. We do not not take any kind of insurance, nor do we provide a diagnosis for those we work with. Our desire is to help you overcome difficult life circumstance by identifying problem areas, exploring new life patterns, creating boundaries and setting acheivable goals. We consider using scripture and prayer, along with other materials as important resources in our work with you.

Chris Johnson, MA Kim Johnson, MA
Chris has broad range of experience including business management, bookkeeping, real-estate sales, building construction, & coal mining. He served as a pastor for 3 1/2 years & has an extensive background in church leadership.
Kim spent several years in the public school system as a music teacher, a
para-professional, & librarian. She
spent many years as a stay-at-home
mom & homeschooled for a couple of those years. She has been involved
with church music for most of her life. Her favorite title is "Nana".
New Harvest Ministries

We have experience in working with adults, teens, and children, and are comfortable working with individuals, couples, families and groups. ​We understand the concepts behind such practices as Cognitive Behavioral Theory, Motivational Interviewing, and Mindfulness. We especially appreciate being able to incorporate those concepts with a faith-based, Christ-centered approach.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27 (NIV)

We Believe
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and is applicable to our everyday lives.
We believe that the world was created by a holy, loving, and eternal God who exists in the form of three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
We believe that we are born with a sin nature that separates us from God
We believe that Jesus Christ was born through a virgin birth, lived life on earth both fully God and fully man, and that he revealed God's kingdom through his teaching, his wisdom, and his miraculous signs.
We believe that the ultimate purpose of Jesus Christ was an atoning sacrifice for our sin through his crucifixion on the cross, and that he rose from the dead on the third day after his death.
We believe that he ascended into heaven and sent his Holy Spirit to dwell within us and empower those who believe in him.
We believe the Holy Spirit equips his believers with spiritual gifts and gives each one of us a purpose to serve his kingdom and serve our fellow man.
We believe that we live in a fallen world with an enemy that wants to "steal, kill", and destroy", leading to a condition of brokenness for each of us.
We believe that God wants to heal and transform each of us into a new creation, in order to live a healthy and blessed life, in order to serve him, love others, and promote his kingdom.